# Apphook theme integration This is maybe not the best way to do this but it's work. First doc is here : http://docs.django-cms.org/en/latest/introduction/05-apphooks.html (`.` is the root of the django-cms project) (`myApp` is the django app to be ingreted to django-cms) Create another django app specialy for integrate the wanted django app. (ex: `./myApp_cms_integration/`) For apply the theme you need, in the cms app create a folder, to create a `templates` folder for the integrated django app. (ex: `./myApp_cms_integration/templates/myApp/`) Copy the base.html template of myApp django app and modify the file with this code: ``` {% extends "base.html" %} {% block apps %} # Here come all the code from the base.html of myApp (In this example) {% endblock %} ``` You also need to add somewhere in the template of the django-cms project `{% block apps %}{% endblock %}`.