# Admin user full use admin db.createUser({user:"admin", pwd:"admin", roles: ["userAdminAnyDatabase", "clusterAdmin", "dbAdminAnyDatabase"]}) # list all dbs users db.system.users.find() # Create user, don't forget to use the correct database use db.createUser({user:"root", pwd:"root", roles: ["readWrite"]}) # Create use in another database: use madbtest db.createUser({user:"admin", pwd:"vIhVPwy81sdf5fPt3a2", roles: [{role: "readWrite" , db: "madbtest"}]}) # udpate pwd db.updateUser("username", {pwd: ""}) # mongoshell get schema collection # Source: https://medium.com/@ahsan.ayaz/how-to-find-schema-of-a-collection-in-mongodb-d9a91839d992 function printSchema(obj, indent) { for (var key in obj) { if(typeof obj[key] != "function"){ //we don't want to print functions var specificDataTypes=[Date,Array]; //specify the specific data types you want to check var type = typeof obj[key]; for(var i in specificDataTypes){ // looping over [Date,Array] if(obj[key] instanceof specificDataTypes[i]){ //if the current property is instance of the DataType type = specificDataTypes[i].name; //get its name break; } } print(indent, key, type) ; //print to console (e.g roles object is_Array) if (typeof obj[key] == "object") { //if current property is of object type, print its sub properties too printSchema(obj[key], indent + "\t"); } } } };