#!/usr/bin/env python from json import loads from os import popen from sys import argv def ipc_query(req="command", msg=""): ans = popen("i3-msg -t " + req + " " + msg).readlines()[0] return loads(ans) if __name__ == "__main__": # Usage & checking args if len(argv) != 2: print ("Usage: switch-workspace.py name-of-workspace") exit(-1) newworkspace = argv[1] # Retrieving active display active_display = None old_display = None for w in ipc_query(req="get_workspaces"): if w['focused']: active_display = w['output'] if w['name'] == newworkspace: old_display = w['output'] if newworkspace.isdigit() and w['num'] == int(newworkspace): old_display = w['output'] print (w) # Pre-computing commands if newworkspace.isdigit(): cmd_show = "workspace number " + newworkspace else: cmd_show = "workspace " + newworkspace cmd_move = "move workspace to output " + active_display # Moving workspace to active display if active_display == old_display: print (cmd_show) print (ipc_query(msg=cmd_show)) else: cmd="'" + cmd_show + ";" + cmd_move + ";" + cmd_show + "'" print (cmd) print (ipc_query(msg=cmd))